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Work in groups.
- Choose a custom or tradition practised in your home town.
- Search for information about that custom or tradition. You can ask your parents or grandparents about it.
Use the following guiding questions:
- What is the custom / tradtition?
- Who practises it?
- Where and when do people practise it?
- What do people do?
- Why do people practise that custom / tradition? - Report your findings to your class. You can use visual aids to illustrate your report.
Now I can ... ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ • use the words related to customs and traditions.
• pronounce the sounds /n/ and /ŋ/ correctly in words and sentences.
• recognise and use articles.
• give advice.
• read about a local feastival.
• talk about a mormal family event that I take part in.
• listen about a festival.
• write an email to give advice on taking part in a festival.