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At first, knitting was a job for _____ only.
a. artists c. men b. poor people
A. Answer the questions about Yarn Bomb!
1. Main Idea Yarn bombers cover _______ with a knitted "jacket."
a. public objects b. people c. dangerous objects
2. Detail The people of Pittsburgh yarn bombed _______.
a. a park b. a bridge c. a building
3. Reference In line 9, "it" refers to _______.
a. the bridge b. Pittsburgh c. Knit the Bridge
4. Inference People became closer through Knit the Bridge because it required _______.
a. money b. teamwork c. knitting skills
5. Detail Yarn bombers take part in yarn bombing to make their cities _______.
a. busier b. cleaner c. more interesting
B. Complete the chart. Write notes about yarn bombing.
What's yarn bombing? | Where does it take place? | Why do people do it? |
C. CRITICAL THINKING Talk with a partner. Do you think yarn bombing is a form of art? Would you like to see yarn bombs in your city?
PROJECT Work with a partner. Make a poster presentation about a young designer.