(Page 43)
Twins are brothers or sisters who _____.
a. are born at the same birth
b. look like each other
Reduction: do and does
A.(🎧1-33) Listen and repeat.
1. Do you have a sister?
2. Do they have cousins?
3. Does he have a brother?
4. Does he have an aunt?
5. Does she have a nephew?
6. Does he have a niece?
B. (🎧1-34) Listen and answer. Circle the words you hear.
1. (Does she/Do they) have a cousin?
2. (Do they/Do you) have an aunt?
3. (Do they/Does he) have younger brothers?
4. (Does she/ Do they) have a baby sister?
5. (Do they / Does she) have aunts and uncles?
C. Work with a partner. Take turns to read the questions in B, stressing the correct words.