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Pronunciation and vocabulary
Solve the crossword. Use the three- syllable nouns in this unit. Read out the correct answers in pairs when you finish.
1. the advantage (of something); stress pattern: •– –
2. a new thing; stress pattern: –•–
3. the Min (computer) RAM: stress pattern: •– –
4. a device used for long-distance communication; stress pattern: •– –
5. a modern device which allows us to store information; stress pattern: –•–
Circle the correct answers.
1. They just installed / have just installed some interesting software on the school computers. The programmes are working very well and everyone enjoys to use / using them.
2. Smartphones allow people sending / to send information over long distances. Learn / To learn with a smartphone is fun as well.
3. Since television was invented / has been invented, TV designs changed / have changed a lot.